We’ve released our new supplier badges!

Easy Weddings
Updated on: March 24, 2022

It gives us much pleasure to announce that one of the next stages of our re-brand has been completed, our marketing assets in WedCRM!

This includes new Easy Weddings top supplier badges, buttons, review widgets and social icon for you to share with your market.

You can find all of these under the Marketing tab in your WedCRM, but here’s a little more about each change.

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Review Widget

The logo of the review widget has been changed to feature the new Easy Weddings logo. This is a great feature to use if you want to showcase your five-star Easy Weddings reviews on your website.

The colours of the widget have also changed so that you can choose the most appropriate colour scheme to be reflected on your own website.

You can customise the widget before carrying it over to your own website, and now have the option to choose from the clean default scheme, bordered rose copper, bordered monochrome and coloured grey black widgets.


Badges and Buttons

If you’ve qualified for any of our Easy Weddings badges you’ll see in your WedCRM that these have also been updated with the new branding and colours. The design has also changed to reflect the cleaner design we’re going for with the new logo.

This includes any badges for customer review milestones, 5 star supplier awards, and top rated suppliers.

Under the same tab are buttons to encourage more Easy Weddings reviews. The ‘read our reviews’ and ‘review our business’ buttons have been updated to include the Easy Weddings ‘Xoxx’ signature, which is a new feature of our brand.


Social Icon

Finally, if you’re including the Easy Weddings icon among your other social icons you’ll find that under your marketing tab as well. We’ve replaced the previous icon with the singular ‘E’ in the logos watercolour design.

easyweddings icon white

Update your Easy Weddings branding in WedCRM here.

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