They’re the proposal pictures sweeping the internet – and it’s easy to see why. Well, kinda.
A San Francisco Data Engineer planned a 2D optical illusion marriage proposal which not only give his girlfriend the surprise of her life, but also provided the Californian pair with once-in-a-lifetime engagement photos. The images, which have gone viral, appear to depict a mural painted on a garage door, but in actual fact it’s the couple posing in acrylic paint.
Cristina Cordova thought she and boyfriend Dan Levine were spending the day being human art canvases for a friend’s art project, however, little did she know Dan had in fact planned an optical illusion style art proposal that transformed their special moment into a 2D moving portrait.
Dan enlisted the help of his friend Alexa Meade, an artist who paints onto human canvases transforming them into 2D optical illusions, to help him execute a surprise proposal that was truly a work of art. Alexa, 30, told the Huffington Post, “Cristina knew that she was getting painted but had no idea what was in store!”
Dan convinced Cristina that Alexa wanted them to be the canvases for her next art project, and the couple of six-and-a-half-years dedicated themselves to the artistic endeavor whilst a handful of close friends and strangers looked on.
Alexa painted the couple in acrylic paint and then proceeded to photograph them in front of street art and murals around the city. However, it wasn’t until the final frame that the magical proposal took place.
For a period of time, which probably felt like an eternity for Dan, Cristina was completely unaware that he was kneeling beside her with an open ring box as she remained in canvas-mode posing very still for the camera clicks.
However, once she realised what was happening she and Dan were met with joyful hurrahs and applause from their surrounding friends. Alexa told the Huffington Post, “It was a beautiful experience getting to share in the magic of their love.”
Watch the video below: