Maurice Kaye is 102 years old and his wife Helen is 101 years old. They’ve been married for 80 years and they’re still very much in love.
In the BBC video below, between their jokes and loving bickering, the British couple share their secrets of a long-lasting and happy marriage, and answer the age-old question: What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Maurice and Helen met in London in a shop owned by Helen’s mother. Both were in their early 20s and they courted for four years before marrying on August 27, 1934 – against the wishes of Helen’s mother who didn’t believe the marriage would last!
Kay says her fondest memory of her wedding day was that “it was a lovely wedding” that “went on forever.” Maurice, on the other hand, says his clearest memory of his big day was that, “basically, it was a question of standing around doing what I was told!”
Oh, and yes, they still love each other – very much!