WARNING: As with any project involving flames and candles, I do must add a very serious word of warning. Be mindful that you’re dealing with fire and flammable goods and, though my test images have the tea lights sitting in the doily holders, this is for illustrative purposes only. On the night, the tea lights will sit inside glass holders to minimise any potential fire danger. In fact, if I can find them in time, I may even use the battery-operated tea lights.
She Says
With just 2 weeks left until our big day, we’re getting very busy – and a little stressed! This week I found time to finish a task on my To-Do list that’s very close to my heart: the tea light holders for my reception tables.
Although we’ve hired The Wedding Zone to set up the decorations (and they are amazing!!), it was really important to Jared and myself that we added our own little touch to the day. So, after I saw some gorgeous tea light holders on Pinterest, I was immediately inspired to create similar ones for my wedding day. So I did!
What you need:
– Lace doilies
– Balloons
– Wallpaper glue
– Paint brushes
– Jars
– Sticky tape
And how do you do it?
Step 1. Blow up the balloons into various sizes and tie a knot in the end.
Step 2. Sit the knot end of the balloon into the glass jar and stick tape the balloon to the jar.
Step 3. Mix the wallpaper glue according to the instructions on the packet.
Step 4. Brush a light layer of the glue onto the balloon. Then place the doily(ies) into place and liberally apply the glue all over.
Step 5. Leave to dry completely. Mine took about 48 hours to dry out properly.
Step 6. Pop the balloon and voila, you have a rather stunning (if I do say so myself) home-made tea light holder.
I’m pretty happy with the results and the twinkling of the glass tea light holders will look even more magical on the night.
He Says
Well, I mixed the glue!
Did you DIY items for your big day?
WARNING: As with any project involving flames and candles, I do must add a very serious word of warning. Be mindful that you’re dealing with fire and flammable goods and, though my test images have the tea lights sitting in the doily holders, this is just for illustrative purposes. On the night, the tea lights will sit inside glass holders to minimise any potential fire danger. In fact, if I can find them in time, I’ll use the battery-operated tea lights.