Morning wear is the traditional favourite for your wedding, in the past the outfit would consist of a black tailcoat with grey striped trousers.
Morning wear is the traditional favourite for your wedding, in the past the outfit would consist of a black tailcoat with grey striped trousers, a grey waistcoat & silver tie. The current thinking is that the waistcoat & neckwear are coloured to match the wedding theme most often the bridesmaide's dresses. Our range is extensive with Black, Blue, Brown, Grey & even Cream coloured jackets with trousers to match.
A wide range of waistcoats & neckwear colours to suit all tastes. We have long Prince Edward jackets, frock coats or short morning jackets if you would like to be smart but less traditional. We also hire a range of lounge suits for those occasions where morning wear would be too formal.
Most of the pictures on this page have been kindly donated by real people showing outfits supplied by us in genuine situations. Thanks go to those who have provided these pictures which we feel give a better idea of how our outfits look in practice rather than using models.
We stock an enormous range of waistcoats and neckwear plus hats, canes, shoes and even umbrellas!