Easy Weddings Wedding Venues Lewes

The Grand Hotel Eastbourne

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Whether your wedding is a small family affair or an event on a grand scale, we have the setting

From the architectural splendour of the Compton Room, to the spectacular Silverdale Room, whether your wedding is a small family affair or an event on a grand scale, we have the setting, and most of all the experience, to make your most important of days truly memorable. And where better to spend the first night of a honeymoon than in one of our sumptuous suites with breathtaking views overlooking the sea. If you’re looking for a luxury wedding venue in East Sussex that that truly understands the meaning of the word “grand”, there’s only one choice.


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  • Your contact details
  • Mention your preferred wedding date options and approximate number of guests
  • Mention how many hours you require the venue for
  • Ask about security, catering options, and alcohol licensing

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