Easy Weddings Wedding Dresses Epsom

Swoon Wedding Gowns

12 +


We have over 300 dresses in stock at any one time to try on and view.

Swoon is constantly at work putting together the best collection of  Designer Bridal sample wear -working with some of the leading Bridal retailers across the UK we can source the best labels which are housed in our beautiful bridal boutique in Weybridge, Surrey. Here you can select a Sample, Worn Once Or New dress from a huge range of Wedding Dress Designers at a fraction of its original cost and buy it OFF THE PEG to take away.

The UK's leading samples and pre-loved outlet, we stock an extensive range of dresses with something to please every budget. Ideally it’s best that you know the type of style you are looking for as our stock is considerable - the majority is listed online so you can browse the collection prior to visiting. Whether the dress is a sample or a high end Designer pre-loved one, we can guarantee that it will be considerably cheaper than its original RRP although quality is not compromised. Our stock is kept as current as possible, we do not stock old or dated gowns and the majority of our wedding dresses are less than 3 years old. Like all genuine bargains, they do not hang around long! If you see something you like we advise booking early to avoid any disappointment. VISIT WEBSITE


Service Area Surrey


Tips from our specialists

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It helps to provide...

  • Your contact details
  • Mention your wedding date and dress size
  • Ask how long it will take to receive your dress
  • Ask how many fittings you will require

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